Studying and working full time
In today’s environment, many individuals are seeking a new career or career advancement. With the ever-changing job market and modern communication tools, it is now easy to complete an online course from anywhere in the world. Covid pushed businesses to adapt rapidly to remote working and online collaboration, this gave many people first-hand experience of working and collaborating fully online. While this was a seismic shift for businesses and employers, universities have been using the very same tools and more in delivering online undergraduate and postgraduate classes for over a decade.A new normal

Can you study while staying in full-time employment?
If you are thinking of studying part-time, there are a few things to consider when balancing your work and other life commitments. We have listed 5 tips and have updated this article with extra top tips to help develop productivity skills and balance work and study.Here are 5 tips that will help you manage your studies while maintaining your day-to-day life
1. Plan ahead and make time for studying and develop a routine

2. Inform your employer/ family/ friends that you are taking the course so they are aware of your situation

3. Establish a time frame for when you are most productive and allocate this time for studying

4. Take advantage of all the online resources that are available to help with your studies

5. Ask for the timetable of the assignment deadlines as soon as possible and plan for periods where you will need to spend more time on the course than on others

Extra strategies and study skills for success
Find a support network
You don’t need to feel alone when on your course. Generally speaking, the others in your class will face the same challenge of balancing work commitments with part-time study.Be proactive!
It’s important to be proactive in reaching out to your fellow students to share your worries and wins as you go through the course. Social media is a great way to connect. Your course will most likely already have existing Facebook or WhatsApp groups but it can be a wise idea to create a group, especially for your cohort or class, for the times when you need advice on which sections to read and which can be skipped for that looming assignment deadline. But more importantly, such groups give you a sense of community where you can share your experiences and widen your network. Many students became friends for life from their shared distance learning journey.Productivity is a skill
When time is scarce productivity is key. Many students recommend the Pomodoro technique and timer. It helps them to get the most out of their work schedule or when they are preparing for exams. It involves breaking up periods of focus with short breaks. Understanding how you best use study time will help you succeed.Skills to get more done in a week
Everyone is different and as you push yourself, you will find what works for you. You can’t easily change your work hours, so being able to use your time more efficiently will benefit both your work and study. The Pomodoro technique is just one example of a proven system to get more done in an hour. Here are some other popular strategies to use when there is no extra time available. The links will open a new tab.
Have a dedicated study space
If possible, try to create a study space that is free from distractions. If it is not possible to have a dedicated room for study, try to make sure you have a clear desk that is in a quiet place. Avoiding distractions is key when studying. While social media is great for connecting with your classmates for support, logging out of your accounts or putting your phone on silent for a few hours while you study is a good habit to get into. You can always catch up with what you have missed when you take a break.Review your schedule to see where you have extra time
How much time could you squeeze out of your existing routine? Even if you have to be at your office less than before, do you still have time to use for study when you do the commute? This can be a great time to get some reading done or relisten to a recorded lecture. You can even block off the commuting time when working from home for more in-depth learning tasks. Even when in the office, you could still find some useful time to get some reading or planning in during lunch. However, it’s always wise to run this past your employer and let your colleagues know what you are studying for to make sure no one misunderstands what you are doing.Remember to look after yourself

Eat, sleep and have the odd treat!
If you find that you are not getting enough sleep, skipping a lunch break, or running low on energy. Don’t beat too hard on yourself. Everyone has ups and downs- gaining a university-level qualification is hard work and even more so when you work full-time. Finding a balance between your full-time work and part-time study is key to keeping you healthy and happy.Include downtime in your busy schedule
Good time management is more than being strict with when you work and study. You also need to plan for times when you can forget all about your course and the office. This can be as simple as giving yourself alternative weekends off or making sure you take regular breaks during your study hours.Eat well
Studies have shown greasy foods high in sugar, and salt can make you feel more tired and lethargic. A healthy balanced diet can help your energy levels keep up with your busy schedule. It is also a good idea to drink lots of water, as dehydration impacts concentration.