Starting your Own Footwear or Accessories Label Short Course

Key Points

Course Information

This course will provide you with a valuable overview of starting up a new footwear or accessories business, and provide practical advice on planning and preparation to help you navigate through this specialised sector.

Topics Covered

  • The pros and cons of running a business
  • Business structure
  • How to get your venture started
  • Running a footwear/accessories fashion business in practice
  • The fashion business plan
  • Product and image development
  • Understanding the fashion year plan
  • Sourcing specialised materials
  • Designing and sampling a collection through to production
  • Working with manufacturers
  • Supply chain and distribution
  • Costings and pricing
  • Understanding profit and loss and cash flow for a fashion business
  • How to sell your collection
  • Marketing and promotion

Course Information

University Rankings