Fashion Buying and Merchandising – Luxury Brands Online Short Course

Key Points

Course Information

This Fashion Buying and Merchandising online short course covers the area of luxury brands. You will develop practical skills and knowledge in this exciting field, everything from trend research, SWOT analysis to product selection.

Topics Covered

  • The concept of luxury
  • The role of the fashion planning team: the buyer and the merchandiser
  • Luxury brands and retailers
  • Understanding your customer
  • How to conduct trend research
  • Strategy and preparation
  • Sales analysis
  • Competitor shopping
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats)
  • Creating budgets
  • Trading: OTB (Open to Buy)
  • Upcoming markets and new technology
  • How to create mood boards
  • Key strategy ideas

Course Information

University Rankings