Fashion Folio

Key Points

Course Information

The objective of this highly intensive course is for students to produce a portfolio of work which can be used to apply for an undergraduate, postgraduate fashion programme, or for employment or personal development.

Stage 1 – Fashion Folio Fundamentals

  • Delivery mode: Online
  • Duration: 11 weeks (May – July)

This stage will provide the core visual communication skills to enable you to express original design ideas to an audience in meaningful and informative ways. You will be introduced to a variety of drawing techniques and styles used in the design process and understand how and when to use these in different contexts.

Topics covered:

  • Various drawing techniques and styles
  • Body proportions for fashion design
  • Media experimentation and colour rendering
  • Fashion illustration, expressive vs. informative
  • Research, understanding and analysis
  • Developing a range of design ideas, in response to research
  • Visual communication, communicating the narrative
  • Presentation and layout
  • Criticism, constructive feedback and reflection

Stages 2 & 3 – Fashion Folio Portfolio Preparation & Presentation

  • Delivery mode: On campus
  • Duration: 22 weeks (September – March)

Fashion Folio 2 & 3 run continuously with a winter break at the end of December. For the best experience students are recommended to book both stages together. In Stage 2 you will build on your drawing and design skills to produce a portfolio of work. The majority of your portfolio work will be completed during this stage. In Stage 3, you will focus on the refinement and content of your portfolio to reflect your skills and interests. You will select work suitable for application to either undergraduate, postgraduate or career progression.

Stage 2 – Portfolio Preparation

  • Duration: 11 weeks (September – December)

Topics covered:

  • Research development
  • Contextual and critical referencing
  • Refining technical skills
  • Colour rendering
  • Building the portfolio: presentation and layout
  • Communication of ideas: visual and verbal

Stage 3 – Portfolio Presentation

  • Duration: 11 weeks (January – March)

Topics Covered:

  • Portfolio refinement
  • Presentation skills
  • Interview preparation

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the exact dates for each stage?

The exact dates can be found at the bottom of the course description. With the stages running at the same time each year as follows:

  • Stage 1 (May – July)
  • Stage 2 (September – December)
  • Stage 3 (January – March)

Before booking the course, students must complete the application form.

All applications will be reviewed in 7 – 14 days. An email will be sent to notify you of the outcome along with information about the next steps.

  • Why is stage 1 taught online?

Short course students that are from outside the UK are limited to stay and study in the UK for a maximum of 6 months under the visitor route. To enable everyone to complete all three stages in one year, stage 1 is now delivered online. More information about online delivery can be found in the main course description tab.

  • Do I need to take all three stages?

Students are recommended to take all three stages. On occasion, entry at stage 2 may be possible, providing students produce evidence of strong drawing and technical skills and an understanding of the design development process when submitting their application.

  • Can I book more than one stage at a time?

Yes, students can apply for as many stages as they like, through the application form. Students must wait to be accepted before making their booking. An email to notify you of the outcome of your application will be emailed within 7 – 14 days of applying.

  • When is the deadline to submit my booking?

Bookings will be accepted up to one month before the start of the course for Stages 2 and 3. For Stage 1, bookings are accepted one week before the start of the course. Please read section 8 of our terms and conditions carefully with particular attention to our refund policy.

  • Will I need a visa to study on the course?

Please visit the Immigration guidance for short course students web page, for further information. Read the Fashion Folio visa information page for information specific to Fashion Folio students.

  • Do I need to provide proof of my English Language?

No, we do not need you to provide proof to study Fashion Folio. However; as a guideline, non-native English speakers should be at IELTS level 6.0.

If you are progressing to a full time course at UAL after completing your programme, you are still required to meet these conditions. These will be listed on the relevant course page. For more information you can check the UAL English Language requirements webpage.

Course Information

University Rankings