Fashion Illustration Online Short Course

Key Points

Course Information

The online short course will develop essential skills in fashion illustration. You will learn conventional and new media techniques. You will find your own visual language and unlock your creativity through drawing, from concept to completion.

Topics covered

  • Understanding the role of a Fashion Illustrator
  • Developing your Fashion Illustration vocabulary
  • Interpreting concepts and ideas
  • How to develop your personal illustrating style
  • Help with composition and design concepts
  • Working with tone, line and negative space
  • Using design for mixed media including digital and animation illustration
  • Working with traditional mediums such as pastels and watercolour
  • Exploring colour and using your personal colour palette
  • The importance of keeping a sketchbook
  • How to utilise collage
  • How to use and control ink
  • How to explore the next steps with Fashion Illustration

Course Information

University Rankings