Innovative Fashion Design with Pattern Cutting Online Short Course

Key Points

Course Information

Focussing on 3D experimentation, you will learn how directional cutting edge designs are discovered by working directly on a dress stand, you’ll explore innovative concepts using abstract research to inspire you to create experimental 3D shapes.

Topics covered

  • You will learn how to work instinctively and think creatively in a dynamic fashion school environment.
  • You will engage with research through 3D experimentation and drawing.
  • A CSM pattern cutting tutor and a sewing technician will assist you in realizing your design ideas.
  • The course will culminate with the creation of your final piece.
  • You will also have a research book documenting all your design development.

Pre Course creative research workBefore the course starts, you are asked to read attentively the brief and start personal research all the different artists and their work in the 4 categories below to increase your knowledge and prepare some creative mood boards that you will present to the course team at the beginning of the 1st day in class.Once you have researched all of them, you will need to select one of the groups to work in and prepare 6-8 initial mood board pages in PowerPoint or keynote that explains with imagery and keywords, quotes, reflective text why you like the collected images and how it relates to your identity.You are also asked to prepare and present 5-6 hand sketches, fashion designs or collages as responses to the mood boards you have shown.For the first day of course, please be ready to show Tutor your previous Fashion Design work in a low resolution pdf (under 10 MB) in a digital portfolio with a CV if you have one.On the first day of teaching, you will be invited to present yourself to the class, which is an integral part of Central Saint Martin’s ethos.

Course Information

University Rankings